Pretty Brown & Unconventionally Natural


Oh how I LOVE to change up my hair!!! I’ve always been a natural who is a fan of braids, twists, locs, short hair, and yes wigs and weave (aka accessories)! It’s fun to change up my look whenever I want and not give a care about what other people have to say! I installed Senegalese twists for the very first time back in July right after I returned from the Essence Festival. You can find that post here. It was extremely hot wearing them during those warmer months, but now is the perfect time to do a protective style such as braids/twists. Below are some frequently asked questions.


  1. What kind of hair did you use? 100% Kanekalon braiding hair. They also have a brand called Expressions where you don’t have to use as many packs and you can use the “pulling method” to make the hair stretch.

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